Base Coating Guide:

Base coating is an essential technique in miniature painting that involves applying the first layer of paint to your model. It provides a foundation for your painting and helps subsequent layers of paint adhere better.

Here is a step by step guide to base coating miniatures:

  1. Clean your miniature - Before you start base coating, make sure your miniature is clean and free of any debris or mold lines. Use a brush or toothbrush to gently scrub away any excess materials or dust.

  2. Prime your miniature - Apply a primer to your miniature to help the paint adhere better. Priming will also help to reveal any areas that need to be cleaned up or sanded down.

  3. Choose your colors - Decide on the colors you will be using for your basecoat. You may want to use a darker shade to act as a shadow or a lighter shade to act as a highlight.

  4. Thin your paint - Dilute your paint with a small amount of water or medium to ensure a smooth and even application. Use a paint palette or mixing tray to mix your paint.

  5. Apply the basecoat - Using a brush or airbrush, apply the paint to your miniature in thin, even layers. Be sure to cover all the areas you want to paint and avoid leaving any thick or gloppy spots.

  6. Let it dry - Allow the basecoat to dry completely before adding any additional layers of paint. This may take a few hours, depending on the type of paint you're using.

Base coating is a fundamental step in miniature painting, and getting it right will help you achieve a smooth and polished finish on your models. Remember to take your time and work in thin layers to avoid any unsightly brushstrokes or globs of paint. Once your basecoat is complete, you can move on to highlighting, shading, and adding other details to your miniature.