Blending Guide:

Blending is a technique used in miniature painting to create smooth transitions between different colours, giving the illusion of a gradual shift in shade or tone. It can be used to create highlights and shadows, or to blend different colours together to create a more complex and realistic look.

Here is a step by step guide to blending miniatures:

  1. Choose your colours - Select the colours you want to blend together. Choose colours that are next to each other on the colour wheel, as they will blend more easily.

  2. Apply your basecoat - Apply a basecoat to your miniature, and make sure it is completely dry before moving on to the next step.

  3. Mix your colours - Mix your two colours together on a palette or mixing tray to create a gradient of colours. You can add more of one colour to create a darker shade, or more of the other colour to create a lighter shade.

  4. Apply your paint - Using a brush or airbrush, apply the blended paint to your miniature in thin layers. Use a back and forth motion to blend the colours together, making sure to work from the lighter shade towards the darker shade.

  5. Build up the layers - Apply several layers of the blended paint to create a smooth transition between the colours. Use a lighter touch as you move towards the lighter shade, and a heavier touch as you move towards the darker shade.

  6. Smooth out the transitions - Use a clean brush or a damp brush to blend the colours together and smooth out any visible transitions.

Blending can be a challenging technique to master, but with practice and patience, you can achieve a smooth and realistic finish on your miniatures. Be sure to work in thin layers and take your time building up the gradient between your colours. You can also experiment with different colour combinations and techniques, such as wet blending or glazing, to create even more complex and stunning effects on your miniatures.